Christmas Safety Tips
Here are a few safety reminders to practice during the holidays:
1. Be alert to activities occurring near your vehicle and home.
2. Pay attention to your immediate surroundings.
3. Always have your keys in hand when approaching your car.
4. When shopping, park (legally) as close as you can to the store, and in a well lit area.
5. Be alert when using drive-up automated teller machines (ATM's).
6. If possible, always have a cellular phone on your person or in your car.
7. Double check that you locked your house and car. Make sure all windows in house and car are closed and lock, especially with guest.
8. Never leave valuables in your vehicle, but if it is necessary, place the items out of plain sight.
9. Never leave anything in your vehicle or attached to your car keys, indicating your home address.
10. Be cautious of people asking you to smell their products, especially individuals that confront you in the street.