Vacation Checklist
Have you ever thought while on vacation:
“Did I lock the door?”
“I hope that child locks the back door?”
“Did my mother leave her window up again?”
“Who covered the doggie door?”
Well, we have.
Then, we developed a vacation checklist. Anyone can do it. On a sheet of paper or the List App on your phone, record everything you need to check before going on vacation. Some examples:
Check all windows to make sure they are shut, locked and curtains are in the right position.
Check for leaky faucets and turn them off.
Secure trash cans.
Make sure that all doors are securely shut and locked.
Set alarm.
Lock safe and make sure it is securely hidden.
Now if you want someone to rekey all your keys on the same lock or completely change the locks, call MrQuickPick 240-244-1642.